are two categories of time organization for songs. The first is what
I refer to as "micro"
timing, keeping track of individual beats and measures. The
second is "macro" timing, that is, the "big picture"
or overall layout of the chord
progressions that make up a song. Memorizing
chord progressions is a crucial musical skill for playing with
other musicians. Usually
this skill is learned slowly over many years of playing
experience. However, this chapter will provide insight into achieving
this skill quickly
with some unique explanations and techniques. The
following is an integrated hierarchy of time measurement, from micro-
-time to macro-time.
(micro) |
single unit
of time |
(micro) |
group of beats |
(link) |
group of measures |
(macro) |
group of sections |
(macro) |
one or more
progressions |
which contain SECTIONS which contain MEASURES
which contain BEATS. Thorough explanations are given for each of
these concepts below.
A beat is the smallest unit of time. Beats are the steady pulse of a
song and can
be observed by any listener, even the non-musician. The speed of the
beat is known as tempo
. The duration of a beat may range from slow tempo (approximately
60 beats per minute) to very fast tempo (240 bpm or more).
Because every song contains too many beats to keep track of individually
they are grouped into
measures with a time signature indicating the grouping.
The numerator (first
number) indicates the number of beats per measure. The
denominator (second number) indicates which type of note is used as
the increment
of measurement. The following explains the most common group-
ings of beats.
Most songs are created from measures that contain four beats. This time
signature is indicated
as 4/4, or four quarter notes per measure. The following
shows how 4/4 time can be conceptualized and verbalized (counted).
4/4: |
1 2 3 4 |
1 2 3 4 . . . |
2/4 time (two quarter-note beats per measure) sounds like 4/4 time but
is usually used in
slow songs where the duration of the quarter notes is longer
than usual. 2/4 is also common in marches where there is a very
pronounced 1-2 1-2
feel. (Left-right-left-right!)
3/4 is commonly known as waltz time. There are three quarter notes per
measure with emphasis
on the first beat. Common waltzes you have probably
heard are Amazing Grace and Clementine .
6/8 (six eighth notes per measure) has both the feel of threes and twos
(3 x 2 = 6) and may
be counted in two different ways. (Emphasis is on beats one
and four.) Common songs in 6/8 are
House Of The Rising Sun (slow) and Irish
Washerwoman (fast).
6/8: |
1 2 3 4 5 6 . . . |
or 1 2 3 2 2 3 . . . |
You may encounter time signatures other than those described above
(9/8, 5/4, 7/8, etc.)
especially if you get involved in playing jazz. However, this
chapter will only be concerned with common time signatures.
EXERCISE: Measures
Turn on the radio and find a song. Listen to determine the time signature.
Then find other songs
in any style of music and do the same.
Measures provide one
level of organization. However, most songs will contain
far too many measures to keep track of individually so further organ-
ization is needed.
A section * is a group of measures. Sections will most
often contain four
measures. An effective way to learn to think in sections is
to count in the following manner, giving special attention to the first
beat of each
measure. (These are tongue twisters--keep repeating them until they
become effortless.)
4/4: |
2 3 4 |
2 3 4 |
2 3 4 |
2 3 4 |
2/4: |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3/4: |
2 3 |
2 3 |
2 3 |
2 3 |
6/8: |
2 3 4 5 6 |
2 3 4 5 6 |
2 3 4 5 6 |
2 3 4 5 6 |
* This
is my own terminology as there is no official term for this concept.
In music, the word "section"
is sometimes used indiscriminately to refer to a part of a song such
as a verse, chorus, interlude,
intro, etc. However, in this chapter, section means a group of
measures. It is this concept
of a section that will accelerate the song memorization process.
EXERCISE: Sections
While listening to any music (recorded, radio, live, etc.) determine
the time signature
then practice counting four-measure sections in the above manner.
(This will work with
most songs.) PROGRESSION
A progression is a group of sections. The chordal background of songs
may be created
by one or more progressions which are then repeated. The
following is the progression for Mary Had A Little Lamb using
the number
system for chords. (If you want an explanation of the number system
click on the link)
It contains two sections, 8 measures total.
count: |
1 2 3 4 |
2 2 3 4 |
3 2 3 4 |
4 2 3 4 |
chord: |
1 / / / |
1 / / / |
1 / / / |
1 / / / |
(lyrics) |
Mar-y had a |
lit-tle lamb |
lit-tle lamb |
lit-tle lamb |
count: |
1 2 3 4 |
2 2 3 4 |
3 2 3 4 |
4 2 3 4 |
chord: |
1 / / / |
1 / / / |
1 / / / |
1 / / / |
(lyrics) |
Mar-y had a |
lit-tle lamb it's |
fleece was white as |
snow . . . |
In Mary Had A
Little Lamb , as in other songs, the four-measure sections
sections reinforce
the rhythmic symmetry of the lyrics. BLOCK
FORM Visualizing progressions is made simple by organizing them
in block form , an
"aerial view" of the chord progression. Each chord symbol
(number) repre- sents
one measure. (Unless otherwise indicated assume there are four beats
per measure.)
Visualizing block
form is an effective
way to memorize chord progressions. Memorization
can also be
aided by the observation of similarities and differences
. (In Mary both
sections of the progression are identical.) Let's observe
a more complicated song. Jingle Bells is made up of two progres-
sions, sixteen measures
for the verse and
sixteen measures for the chorus. What
are the similarities and
differences? (Hint: Observe 8-measure pieces.)
(verse) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
1 |
(chorus) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
5 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
The average music listener pays attention to the melody and beat
which are the
obvious tip of the iceberg. However, most of the iceberg is the
chord progression
which creates the
overall structure of the song (and also contains
ingredients for the
melody, harmony, and improvisation). Sometimes
a measure will contain two chords. When this occurs it usually
divides the
measure in half, two beats per chord. I Shot The Sheriff, a minor
key song
by Bob Marley, contains split-measures in the verse.
(chorus) |
1m |
1m |
4m |
1m |
1m |
1m |
4m |
1m |
(verse) |
6-5m |
1m |
6-5m |
1m |
6-5m |
1m |
6-5m |
1m |
6-5m |
1m |
6-5m |
1m |
(How many similarities
and differences can you find?)
Although it is the
norm not all songs contain evenly structured sections Sometimes
there will be more or less than four measures in a section. There
are also songs that contain half or partial measures and songs that
change time signatures.
(Don't try to dance to them!) However, these can still
be charted in block form with special attention given to the particulars.
EXERCISE: Progressions
This website contains
hundreds of songs in various styles. Almost all of the chord
progressions are written in block form using the number system for
chords. Download as
many as you like and practice playing them in keys of your
choice. Take
any songs you already know and count out each section. Then chart
the progressions in
block form using the number system.